Taken at dawn last Thursday on the Dorset coast. Sunrise at this time of year is at such an unsociable hour in England (4.57am on Thursday). I planned to go down to this location for dawn - it is just over an hours drive, and I had allowed 30 minutes walk and I wanted to arrive 30 minutes before sunrise. So all that meant me getting out of bed at 2.45am. Now thats bad enough, but to make matters worse my computer at home started throwing up all sorts of errors on Wednesday night. I spent the whole evening trying to fix it before finally getting to bed at 11.30pm, at which point I was so wound up I didnt get to sleep until around 12.30am. I contemplated giving the morning shoot a miss, but I dont like cancelling shoots, so I got up at 2.45am with just over 2 hours sleep and made my trip down to this location yawning all the way. Luckily, despite pretty overcast conditions the horizon glowed with the pre dawn colours and I got some good shots. But I have suffered for it as I have not ventured back out in 4 days while I recover!
ND Grad filter, 90 seconds @ F19 @ ISO 100. RAW.
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