Saturday, November 3, 2007
Crimson Floodlight
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
my last sunset in KL
I have heard that Malaysia is a paradise and truly believe it is, it is not just a beautiful place to see and is more...there is a spirit of pleasure, of real overwhelming feelings...
now I know how truly asia attrackts people
I will get back to this place next year for sure
DC.... place I love place I enjoy now
Sunset Colors
Your love is like a sunset,
wild, bright and true.
The colours blend together,
forming a magical hue.
The day's warm caress
is slipping through the air,
just as though your fingers
would be slipping through my hair.
I sit and watch the sunset,
knowing it soon will end,
thinking of you and
waiting 'til we will be together again.
Slowly now it's going,
coming to a end.
Darkness may be closing in,
but the fun has just begun.
For now I can go home,
go to my darkened room,
lie on the bed and
close my eyes,
fall asleep and dream of you.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sunset Series
I'm very busy, so i'm really sorry not being enough here. But I keep going having a look at your galleries, even if I don't comment that much ...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Calm Lake Sunsets

caught the sunset in Fujairah mountain range reflected at the man made lake below on my way back to Dubai.....oops! was there really a lake out there? i wish i could take on my own a real photo sunset like this one.
actually i did a quick fix i read from the internet photo site and i just want to share with you.
PPworks:Photoshop 7
1. the real photo was the upper one i took last Feb.
2. first i made an enhancement of the photo,i went to Enhance>adjust>color > color variations>increased blue.
3. for the mirror effect on the calm lake, you must make a reflected to Select>all and then Edit>Copy.Now go to File>New document.Go to file>paste and your image will be pasted to the new document.
4. Flip the image,Image>Rotate>Flip vertically.
5. Now return to your original image, go to Image>resize>canvas size then check the topmiddle box.Double the height of the image.
6. Now all you have to do is drag the mirror image into the expanded canvas area and line up the image.Voila! you have the sunset reflected in a calm lake, for more realistic image youcan darken the mirror image from Level adjustments and blur it a little bit.then cropped it to your taste.
thanks for the interest going this far,
Bloody Indiana Sunset

I took this sunset photo at Wolcott,Indiana and hope you like it:)
**I could not decide which one to post so I posted 2 other versions of this Cool Sunset as WS.
*Please,check it out and tell me which one you like best!
Cheers and Have a Great Week,
CT of Indianapolis,IN
The State of Indiana (IPA: /in.dia.nÉ™/) is the 19th U.S. state and is located in the midwestern region of the United States of America. With about 6.3 million residents, it is ranked 15th in population and 17th in population density.[2] Indiana is ranked 38th in land area.
Indiana is a diverse state with a few large urban areas and a number of smaller industrial cities. It is known for the Indianapolis 500 automobile race, held annually over the Memorial Day weekend, and a strong basketball tradition, often called Hoosier Hysteria. Residents of Indiana are called Hoosiers.
The state's name means "Land of the Indians" and Angel Mounds State Historic Site, one of the best preserved prehistoric Native American sites in the United States, can be found in southern Indiana.
Indiana is bounded on the north by Lake Michigan and the state of Michigan; on the east by Ohio; on the south by Kentucky, with which it shares the Ohio River as a border; and on the west by Illinois. Indiana is one of the Great Lakes states.
The northern boundary of the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois was originally defined to be a latitudinal line drawn through the southernmost tip of Lake Michigan. Since such a line would not provide Indiana with usable frontage on the lake, its northern border was shifted ten miles north. The northern borders of Ohio and Illinois were also shifted from this original plan.[4]
The 475 mile (764 km) long Wabash River bisects the state from northeast to southwest and has given Indiana a few theme songs, On the Banks of the Wabash, The Wabash Cannonball and Back Home Again, In Indiana.[5][6] The White River (a tributary of the Wabash, which is a tributary of the Ohio) zigzags through central Indiana.
There are 24 Indiana state parks, nine man-made reservoirs, and hundreds of lakes in the state.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
A Banner Sunset
Sunset Pine River
Thursday, June 28, 2007
reed sunset

Another picture from yesterdays sunset. because the sky was not as beautiful as I expected I was looking for some other ways to shoot it. I decided to use something else for subject and use the sunset as a background. this bush of reed was one of my subjects.
But I found it to be very beautiful as it's a very appealing image with lots of beautiful tones, that seem to depict a state of relaxation. I love how soft the glow from the sun is, and those solid silhouettes that brace against the dense shine. Good to see the sun isn't centered...
Sunset Shooters

Sunset via Intramuros, Manila..........
specially dedicated to all sunset shooters
copy the two separate images in one oversized black fill layer and re-scale them to fit in the frame to have an instant margin, and sign on it.
all images are originally colored but the right frame was converted to bw as in the process of framing the sunset and the left is the outcome of the composition.
your comments are highly appreciated.
Sunset over Table Mountain

Golden Sunset in Greece

Monday, June 25, 2007
St.Nicholas is baking cookies

Friday, June 22, 2007
The path to Lyonesse

Taken at dawn last Thursday on the Dorset coast. Sunrise at this time of year is at such an unsociable hour in England (4.57am on Thursday). I planned to go down to this location for dawn - it is just over an hours drive, and I had allowed 30 minutes walk and I wanted to arrive 30 minutes before sunrise. So all that meant me getting out of bed at 2.45am. Now thats bad enough, but to make matters worse my computer at home started throwing up all sorts of errors on Wednesday night. I spent the whole evening trying to fix it before finally getting to bed at 11.30pm, at which point I was so wound up I didnt get to sleep until around 12.30am. I contemplated giving the morning shoot a miss, but I dont like cancelling shoots, so I got up at 2.45am with just over 2 hours sleep and made my trip down to this location yawning all the way. Luckily, despite pretty overcast conditions the horizon glowed with the pre dawn colours and I got some good shots. But I have suffered for it as I have not ventured back out in 4 days while I recover!
ND Grad filter, 90 seconds @ F19 @ ISO 100. RAW.
Nelson Lakes

The second of my New Zealand jetty shots. This time at Nelson Lakes. We camped in the DOC site beside this lake (Rotoiti). I didnt think there was going to be much of a sunset, but the sky just got pinker and pinker, so I grabbed my bag and ran down to the pier, just in time for this amazing show of light.
F19, 20 seconds, ISO 100, Polariser and nd grad. No manipulation. And no dog poo this time either!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Sunset Fishing...

Last night I decided it was time to capture a sunset. I took Teddy and we rode out to the lakefront park in Kenner. I was amazed by the number of like minded people. We all grabbed a space, sat, chatted and waited hoping for a wonderful sunset. We were not disappointed, we all ooohed and ahhhed and then all you could hear was the lapping of the water and the snap of the shutters!
Thanks for stopping by...I hope you enjoy the sunset too!
Soften tool applied
Framed Uploaded
Sunset Harmony
sunset in Tallinn

Was driving the Pirita drive in Tallinn and saw the big sun in a mirror and just couldn't resist to stop to take a few photos of this beautiful sunset.
Actually, I took about 10 photos trying to get only city and sunset in the photo and this one was the only pic with some other elements, including laterns and snow, but it turned out that this one with that blue (rather than white as it was originally) snow contrasting to sunset colours was the best one of all shots.
Probably a horizon is not perfectly straight but I still like it. :)
The only PP work: changed image size and applied auto contrast. That's it.
The benefit

...of taking Dingo for a walk every day, is that sometimes the view is really lovely. If you know me a bit, you'll know that I can't resist a sunrise or sunset. I thought last week the sunset was quite spectacular - for my town, that is.
I like this particular shot as it combines two things that really fascinate me : the sunset and the silhouettes of trees.
Tech talk
Set white balance mode to shade as that setting generally renders a warmer sunset. No changes/enhancements to the colour in PP.
Cropped a little bit.
Downsized for TL as per usual - see previous posts.
Added Frank's framing.
Hypermarket Sunset Reloaded

This is in front of an important hypermarket on the Ploiesti-Brasov highway, at 6 km from Ploiesti.
Well, you will say, what is so interesting about a hypermarket ? The interesting things are the nice sunset colours, the highway seen at the horizon, the light reflected in cars and those high street-lamps.
The fact is that I liked the place and the moment and I found it worth photographing.
For me, a sunset is always something magical...even one in front of the hypermarket.
I for incredible sunset

This is Incredible Sunset, the sunset that inspired the logo of The Incredibles (pun intended).
I was aboard Superferry on the way to Iloilo, we were passing Basilan and the sunset was awesome as you have already seen in my previous posts
That night, I reviewed all my sunset photos and I was surprised to see that the setting sun and the streak of its reflection on the ocean illustrated letter "i".
Can you see it? Or maybe you can see an inverted exclamation mark? What's the difference?

I took this phot recently in Mt Barker whilst out with a girlfriend. The sunset was rather spectacular so we hung around to take lots of photos whilst freezing to death!! For some reason I have had trouble with the sizing with this one, can't get the file very large at all which is very frustrating! Must be gremlins in the computer I think! LOL! Anyway, hope you like it! This is the colour the sunset was too!
Bit of info about sunsets:
The sunset is often more brightly coloured than the sunrise, with the shades of red and orange being more vibrant. The atmosphere responds in a number of ways to exposure to the Sun during daylight hours. In particular, there tends to be more dust in the lower atmosphere at the end of the day than at the beginning. During the day, the Sun heats the surface of the Earth, lowering the relative humidity and increasing wind speed and turbulence, which serves to lift dust into the air. However, differences between sunrise and sunset may in some cases depend more on the geographical particulars of the location from which they are viewed. For example, on a west-facing coastline, sunset occurs over water while sunrise occurs over land.
PP Work:
Cropped the image from original
Altered contrast and brightness levels a tad
Sharpened the image
Framed the image and added text
Sunset in Teluk Bayur
Sunset in Amarsa City
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Just Beyond the sunset

Just beyond the sunset
Someone waits for me
Just beyond the sunset
Lies my destiny
Where the purple mountains
Lie in deep tranquillity
There I’ll find the treasure
Of love eternally
Just beyond the sunset
Waits someone so fair
Just beyond the sunset
All alone they wait there
Their hair is golden
The colour of the sand
Their eyes sparkle in the night
Like diamonds in your hand
Just beyond the sunset
Lies a home for me
Where the world is peaceful
Like a paradise should be
Just beyond the sunset
Someday is where you’ll find me
Tech Talk:
Noise reduction...50-50-50 30% blend
Clarified @ 2%
Unsharp mask 2.00 radius 50% strenght clipping @ 5 Luminance only
Framed, signed uploaded
Thanks for the visit...
The Lovers, The Dreamers and Me
Monday, June 4, 2007
Sunset in Clouds

this picture taken by my friend Akiko, she call me at the office to join her get some shot. but i knew that i might be to late, because she already said that the sunset looks so great. it were not last for few seconds. so i just went there without my camera.
Sunset that I will remember

More sunset pictures to come from me I believe :D
I cropped the picture, increased saturation, sharpness & contrast. Hope you’ll enjoy this sunset picture.
Thanks for viewing & your comments & suggestions are always valuable to me.
Sunset after a thunder storm

They will occur when you are having friends over for barbeque and it would be rude to dash off with your gear.
They will occcur when you are out of film and will continue until the film arrives.
When you are prepared and your camera is set up and waiting, they will occur on the distant horizon, just beyond the longest focal length lens you have available.
The only way to get a decent sunset is to fool the Sunset Gods. Hide your gear and pretend you don't care. The Gods, thinking you are not paying attention, will send a great sunset. Grab your camera and shoot.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
A Life Without Love

A Sunset without a sun is no sunset at all.
A life without love is no life at all.
A rainbow without colors is no rainbow at all.
And heart without feelings is no human at all.
All these things need something to be,
Either a sun or a person or a crayon,
If only to create what nature said was meant to be.
A sunset makes us feel as though the world has been born again.
A life with love lets us know it's worth to let someone in.
A rainbow with colors thats a moment frozen in time, to be grateful for all that is beautiful and feel all the glory inside.
A heart that has feelings, well that would be me.
For I love just the thought of you and hope you feel the same for me.
Life without our love, is an emptiness I'm not sure I wish to face.
Because I know that time will never be able to erase.
I wish our love was as simple as a sunset, ready to be born again.
But I know in truth love only comes from within.
So I'll keep watching for my sunset, and looking for that rainbow to shine someday.
Then one day maybe our love will find its way again.
Rachel Fogle

Sunset Harmony

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
'Bula' from Fiji...

'Bula' from Fiji...
Of course you would expect a tiny island in the South Pacific to have spectacular sunsets, and Mana Island in Fiji does not disappoint. There is a beach on the western side of Mana Island that is known for its sunset and it is named Sunset Beach, surprise, surprise! So off we went at 5.30pm, camera and tripod in hand. Yes, notice the word, “tripod”. The sunset was timed for 5.58pm and we reached the point at the end of Sunset beach in plenty of time and I set up the camera.
I loved the changing colours as the sun was setting and this photo was taken at 5.56pm, 2 minutes before the sunset. But the colour of the sky at the actual sunset time was quite disappointing. But 15 minutes later it was quite amazing – like the sky was on fire. I will post a photo of that at another time. Mana Island is a 300 acre island nestled among the western string of islands that make up the Mamanuca group just west of Nadi International Airport, Fiji. Beautiful white sandy beaches, amazing live coral reefs and crystal clear waters, surround Mana Island and it does have spectacular sunsets.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Sunsets around the world
I have a large collection of sunset pictures from my extensive travels. I enjoy taking sunset pictures and using the natural subjects of my surroundings in the composition.
Beautiful reflections and constantly changing light situations make for unique and interesting pictures as the sun sinks lower in the sky until it finally dips beneath the horizon. Then, as though in a final attempt to keep the earth lit, the suns light reflects dramatically in the surrounding clouds.
Taking sunset pictures can be a challenging but also very rewarding experience.
Make sure to check out our other Sunset Photos and Pictures.